the center of superfun happy times


ovarian Tribulations

i wouldnt trade my testicles for the world...
brit came in last night through some mircle (she was supposed to leave boston at 730pm and i got a call at 740 saying that the flight was delayed and chances are she would be rescheduled for the 1am flight (opportunity to get fubared?? YES!) but then she called frantically relaying that she was getting on a plane only 20 mins late so all was saved) anyway.. we talked (thats what we do) and drank copious amounts of cheap french wine (which we are also known for--and as an aside (because there are not enough parenthetical references in my blogs) i heart george deboeuf.. the mofer makes great wines chuggable... his beaujoiules (i took spanish okay?!) is to die for or from.. soo good) (note i forgot how many closing parens are requisit now so foff!)))))))
anyway point of blog: ovaries... they make you do weird things... here is a girl self described as a lazy mofer that is willing to spend upwards of 30 mins applying a small country worth of face additives... seriously must have been ten bottles of this shit.. it made me dizzy... and this is prior to going to bed.. i mean once i decide that i am going to pass the f out i go to said area of sleeping and pass the f out.. i mean, i cannot be bothered to take out my contacts and there she is applying antigravity creme (i swear! there is shit labeled "anti-gravity creme".. very sci fi eh?) at three in the morning after the ingestion of a couple bottles of wine... now she is back in the bathroom doing it all over again!
yeah, i have an extra 2 hrs in my day that i can dedicate to appying things that are dissapearing into my skin... i've rarely spend this much time making up myself for halloween!
its still hilarious..
but my tummy is rumbly and i am afraid i will be waiting for another 6 layers of unidentified substance to be applied to her face before we're allowed to venture forth to eat...
sweet christ...

damn.. i forgot about hair drying..

maybe i should just make dinner reservations now..

(this blog is dedicated to people who wake up beautiful like myself (ie throw on deoderant and some tooth scrubbing and are immediately ready to grab life by the gonads))


the Red room and the Black dog

unrelated i assure you...
so i'm smoking in the courtyard for the uncountableth time and i notice something .. there is huge apt building about a block away, blocking out the majority of the western sky... and there, about 6 floors up is a window, emitting only red light... in retrospect i think i've noticed this a couple times before but it was now that i began thinking about what kinda person limits themselves to red light all the time... a photographer? a satanist? someone really fucking colorblind? i dont know.. im over it.. but it will prolly reappear in posts later as i come up with new possibilities of the deranged lunatic that lives a block away...
so my roommate is dogsitting this week.. which means i inherently am.. i like it.. ive always had dogs when i lived with my parents and now realize that maybe owning a dog is a life aspiration.. i had a funny commentary about owning dogs but im tiredly uncreative and i would rather limit this blogoogogog to humor.. (i know i've been failing at it recently, im pretty sure that brit's appearance will inspire me fully)..
alas alack write me back

where oh Where?

on a drafting table
in a trunk
     going 90 on 96
kitchen table
someone elses kitchen table
someone elses bathroom counter
     while they are home
abandon tents in the woods
parking garage
     in the middle of the day
behind a movie screen
     during a movie
in cinderella's castle
in reseach forest's parking lot
