the center of superfun happy times


Buying a 36 Year Old Car (and driving it across the country) -- thurs night - fri morning

So, if I hadn't told you in the last week or so, I've been talking to a guy I found on and finally agreed to buy his 1971 Datsun 240Z. Within a week i had bought a one way ticket to Phoenix, AZ and was unable to sleep from nervous anticipation.

Next thing I knew I was having a couple bourbons on the plane and i realized i was actually on my way. I met up with Kimmie at the Airport and our friend Sophie and her boyfriend Scott picked us up and brought us to their place for the night. (Fact of the night from these archeologists: You can tell burrned bone from charcol because bone sticks to your tongue.)

I'm only telling this part of the story because it is releavant to me getting pulled over later. So, the day before i left i attempted to get the car added to my insurance. Well, the website didnt' have any cars before 1981 on it, so i had to call them to get it added. Basically, my insurance guy said that he couldn't give me any proof of insurance because it took a while for it to get into the system. The morning after we arrived in phoenix, i checked the insurance website and found they had put a datsun on my insurance! Hurray! Wait.. a 1981 Datsun 280ZX with a VIN number totally unlike what i had repeated twice to the guy on the phone the day before. FUCK.

So, i called the company and found out that because they didn't have the car in the system, they put in a temporary car and vin number.. thanks esurance, that helps. So, my new favorite insurance woman tells me that i can get a "letter of experience." basically its proof of insurance if you don't have the card. an hour later on hold at the local office max they had faxed me it. (did you know that it is not legal for them to email you it? it's because it's too easy to edit them. yeah... because a fax is so much harder to modify. i hate them.

The next post will be on the actual purchasing of the Z and the first couple days drive.