the center of superfun happy times


alien probes

well not exactly.
So Monday I woke up with a chipped tooth and no idea how I got it.
Normally, this wouldn't be a huge deal (aside from the fact I'd never
chipped an adult tooth) as there is a good chance that while enjoying a
tall bourbon I ran into something (like a fist after an off-color
comment) or simply fell headfirst into something slightly harder than my
tooth enamel. But I wasn't drinking!
So what else could have done it?
I thought maybe food but my meals from the day before consisted of eggs
and bacon and bacon based pizza... hardly tooth chipping material.
hippyL suggested that either it was a DNA sample taken by aliens or a
failed attempt to place a gov't tracking device covertly in my temple
(that's what I call my body..)
so I still have this oddly shaped incisor and no clue of what happened
and I think it is slowly driving me insane.

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