the center of superfun happy times


World of What?

Let me prefaced this with the statement that i don't judge you. World
of Warcraft is a fine hobby that in no way causes me to judge you,
your physique or your slightly stank breath. I'd go as far to say as
it is quite a bit healthier, physically and socially than drinking on
your couch alone. (Yes! I admit it)

That being said, i am now in about the fourth hour of a series of
conversations around my cube (note: not in it or involving me)
relating to individuals trials and tribulations in a MMORPG that
apparently "[has] the power to make men cry like beaten orphans."* I
now know all about a quest where you are spawned into an area with
thousands of 162s(?) and badass orcs that seem to between you and a
trinket. what does the trinket do? i don't konw.. something about
transporting you back to a village. ("Oh that's all" "Yeah, man. But
you don't understand, it can transport me there from anywhere" "well i
guess you go in and battle a lot more than me, you know a whole bunch
of in and out action"(!)) My point being that my brain is already
dangerously overcrowded. Over the last couple days i've begun to have
a very real concern that i have an inoperable brain tumor that is
preventing me from either learning anything new or focusing on a
though for more than a heartbeat. Please do not shove your azeroth
laden stories into the fragile bit of cheesesponge that i use to
create coherent sentences.

Jesus, SHUT UP already... your stories about hunting yeti skins are
not interesting... not like my winding stories of sitting on a futon
watching tv and drinking... oh wait. shit.

*i do not in anyway endorse the beating of orphans.

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