the center of superfun happy times


World of What?

Let me prefaced this with the statement that i don't judge you. World
of Warcraft is a fine hobby that in no way causes me to judge you,
your physique or your slightly stank breath. I'd go as far to say as
it is quite a bit healthier, physically and socially than drinking on
your couch alone. (Yes! I admit it)

That being said, i am now in about the fourth hour of a series of
conversations around my cube (note: not in it or involving me)
relating to individuals trials and tribulations in a MMORPG that
apparently "[has] the power to make men cry like beaten orphans."* I
now know all about a quest where you are spawned into an area with
thousands of 162s(?) and badass orcs that seem to between you and a
trinket. what does the trinket do? i don't konw.. something about
transporting you back to a village. ("Oh that's all" "Yeah, man. But
you don't understand, it can transport me there from anywhere" "well i
guess you go in and battle a lot more than me, you know a whole bunch
of in and out action"(!)) My point being that my brain is already
dangerously overcrowded. Over the last couple days i've begun to have
a very real concern that i have an inoperable brain tumor that is
preventing me from either learning anything new or focusing on a
though for more than a heartbeat. Please do not shove your azeroth
laden stories into the fragile bit of cheesesponge that i use to
create coherent sentences.

Jesus, SHUT UP already... your stories about hunting yeti skins are
not interesting... not like my winding stories of sitting on a futon
watching tv and drinking... oh wait. shit.

*i do not in anyway endorse the beating of orphans.


Choose your Vacation with Style!

So my last department requires each employee to pick their year's vacation days on January 2nd. If you don't have kids with set vacations or set plans to getaway then you may as well choose your vacation days randomly. Well, mau mentioned this to me so i wrote a little spreadsheet to do just this. I can't post files on this blog for download (i don't think) so if you want it, let me know! (i have it in excel and open office formats (i suggest open office))

Go nerds


so I've decided

I want to be an eccentric... As I watch the the Royal Tanenbaughs (or how ever the fuck it is spelled) I've decided that being an eccentric is the best course of action for a soul like myself.
That is all. Good night y'allr

thing never to do... Part 1

brush your teeth and utilizes a q-tip simultaneously. Ow.


oh yeah, i was sexy

so if you weren't part of the debate, i had a mustache for exactly 5 hours and had a small vote on whether i should keep it.
The end vote was six to one for keeping it. Unfortunatly, i am sleeping with the nay vote.
So, i'm clean shaven now and not nearly as sexy.

i want to make chumbolotl better

So, for those of you that haven't heard, I bought (and received) a brand new "latte" chumby!
If you don't know what a chumby is you can either go to the Chumby Story or just read the next sentence:
The Chumby is a cute always-on internet device that plays flash widgets that provide various useful pieces of information.

Yes, it was a run on sentence, but i realized that i had more than one sentence worth of information. Anyway...
One of the coolest (arguably the coolest) thing about chumby is that it is a completely open platform.
  • Anyone can make a widget and upload it for public consumption
  • they provide the hardware schematics for any hardware changes you want to make
    • something about a daughterboard
  • Besides creating just the widgets the OS is linux based and completely hackable

As you can tell, i am more of a repeater than an understander.
So i have a copy of the Adobe Flash development suite and some free time (not really, but i'll make it) and want to make some shit for my little Chumbolotl...

Any Ideas?


not new year's resolutions

i just wanted to point out that the self-betterment that i am attempting to start (again) is not a result of new year's resolutions. these are simply the DST resolutions that i'm attempting to restart.
so blah.
today i exercised for 45 minutes, only had 2 cigarettes and had a gyro for lunch and 1/4 lbs of turkey for dinner.
Now i am writing something online.
not bad m, not bad.

* as an update, i now have 3 basses in the house and have added a harmonica and an accordion**.

** mau has hidden the accordian