the center of superfun happy times


i want to make chumbolotl better

So, for those of you that haven't heard, I bought (and received) a brand new "latte" chumby!
If you don't know what a chumby is you can either go to the Chumby Story or just read the next sentence:
The Chumby is a cute always-on internet device that plays flash widgets that provide various useful pieces of information.

Yes, it was a run on sentence, but i realized that i had more than one sentence worth of information. Anyway...
One of the coolest (arguably the coolest) thing about chumby is that it is a completely open platform.
  • Anyone can make a widget and upload it for public consumption
  • they provide the hardware schematics for any hardware changes you want to make
    • something about a daughterboard
  • Besides creating just the widgets the OS is linux based and completely hackable

As you can tell, i am more of a repeater than an understander.
So i have a copy of the Adobe Flash development suite and some free time (not really, but i'll make it) and want to make some shit for my little Chumbolotl...

Any Ideas?

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