the center of superfun happy times


Buy This CD -- The Provisionals: Digital Lady

So, if i haven't already attacked you with all of my retail prowess, here is a post to tell you about The Provisionals' second (and best) CD: Digital Lady. It really is quite excellent and you should buy it. You can get it on iTunes, but i suggest you buy it through cdBaby so that you can get all the artwork i did for it. Yes, all that beauty you see (or will see when you buy it) was created by me at the request of those very talented California musicians (who i must say, have great taste.)
As i pleaded earlier, buy a copy for yourself, your significant other, your friends, your family and your enemies (think of it as the beginning of your reconciliation.)
You can listen to most of it on either their myspace account or at the cdBaby site.
As a special "gift" for those of you viewing it through here.. here are the originals that were used/cropped/written over by those musical sex gods, The Provisionals' for their second CD: Digital Lady. (If, after listening to this indie masterpiece, you have the desire to sleep with one or all of the band members, let me know, I have an in.)

PS: from their CDbaby site (before they change it..) here is a short description of hte album:

Arguably the worst band around - this barely meets the definition of music.

From New York and California, the members of The Provisionals created a velvetine lounge, turned up their amps and mixed bitter-tart melodies with harmonies, practically in tune. They then brought in sordid, checkered rhythms, and continued to drink Assam tea. Unfettered by tiny earholes, The Provisionals listen to The Walkmen, Elliott Smith, The Flaming Lips, The Zombies, and occasionally each other.



Inside (Behind CD)

Inside Cover

Liner Notes Background (foldout)

1 comment:

Mau said...

I love that a link to this post can be found in a juicy person's gtalk message written like this:

Jeff's new status message - tuxedo blood