the center of superfun happy times


Altruism Work Two

So i actually completed this painting in the first week of March and i was hoping to give it to the recipient before he saw it here. Well he is a lazy fk and i haven't traveled to the city recently, so it's time to post it. In all honestly, it's mostly because i completed the third altruism piece tonight and don't want to get too far behind.

I wanted to do a dragon for him using real basic shapes and mostly flat colors... he gave me the colors (and i'm really happy how they came out). (oh, and the background has a wicked texture that you can't see real well in the picture.) I found i had a big empty space that killed the balance so i had to add another element... what goes better with a dragon than a bunny?
Go me.

The edges are looking weak already and i'm realizing i have to do something to better define them.

Sexy foot. And most of the flat colors are laid down

what you may not realize here is that it took me 35 minutes to mix the blue-black for the eyebrows

And the finished product... i didn't intend the bunny to look so relaxed yet frightened


mattWear 4 - Gibbard

Feelign guilty for mau a shirt and not giving myself the same gift, i created another one.. trying a bit more of a difficult stencil that required a lot more imagination while finding lines of contrast.. i was searching for a good picture of David Bazan but found this one of Ben Gibbard that i liked a lot more... here was the original:

and the shirt:

mattWear 3 - MauWear!

As my drawers are already too full and shirts are the bulk of the problem (still sporting that Hum Shirt fro 1997) i decided to make a shirt for mau. After multiple attempts a tracing various bearded dragons and two headed llamas, i went for my first freehand stencil. So.. here is the first in a series of shirts that will be dubbed mauWear


mattWear - Mustachio'd Man 2

Inspired by my recent gift of freezer paper, i decided to attempt another shirt. "ahh but what subject," i pondered as i stroked my thickening mustache...


mattWear - Mustachio'd Man Shirt

Got a bit more comfortable with the idea of cutting out stencils... unfortunately, shortly after snapping this pickture and letting it dry, it appears most of the paint has soaked into the shirt, leaving a "suble" "washed out" image on the front of my breast. alas.. i still like the design though..


experimental patience

Apparently my initial guess was correct and my patience got in the way.  After a long ass period of time, the tea did begin to seep and now I have a tea colored, cold beverage.


Im the best scientist ever

Experiment of the day.

No time to go buy hot water downstairs so I just threw a teabag in my
cup of cold water assuming that temperature can't be that important in
seeping tea. Maybe hotter=faster, but its gotta work no matter what the
temperature, right?
Well. So far no. so now I have a cold glass of water with a tea bag in
it. I should have been a little scientist when I grew up.


It's Too Early to Share

It is officially 8:13 in the morning, a good ten minutes into my day and
i am currently suffering through a harrowing tale of bowel torment from
the lady in the cube across from me. There are certain key phrases that
help you to realize that no, you do not want to be regaled with any part
of the narrative. The line that did it for me just minutes ago:
"Yeah, i popped four Immodium and it didn't do squat."
Dear cube lady: This is not a business appropriate conversation.
Addendum: as i finish writing this, she has begun telling the story to
a second coworker (from the beginning).
Additional bonus line:
"Yeah, i'm still running, but it's not nearly that bad"
[m shakes fist angrily at monday]