the center of superfun happy times


It's Too Early to Share

It is officially 8:13 in the morning, a good ten minutes into my day and
i am currently suffering through a harrowing tale of bowel torment from
the lady in the cube across from me. There are certain key phrases that
help you to realize that no, you do not want to be regaled with any part
of the narrative. The line that did it for me just minutes ago:
"Yeah, i popped four Immodium and it didn't do squat."
Dear cube lady: This is not a business appropriate conversation.
Addendum: as i finish writing this, she has begun telling the story to
a second coworker (from the beginning).
Additional bonus line:
"Yeah, i'm still running, but it's not nearly that bad"
[m shakes fist angrily at monday]

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