the center of superfun happy times



So the new york boys had their second annual talk like a pirate day party.... it was a all pirate party ../ for the first hour... then.. well other people shoed up.. apparently very few people are interestign enough to dress like a buccaneer for a simple five hour period to get drunk...
well here are the boys and myself.. checkout g's gold tooth.. it's fucking bling ass pimp...

never let me use that phrase again. Posted by Picasa


Xtreme Elmo

Ha.. this should be good for that old inside joke

Yaarrrrrrrgggg.. work correspondence

I be celebrating the holiday like an admiral.. here is an email I sent
out to me deckhands (it be about two score of them) 1/2 of which I do
not know... yarrrrggggg be a pirate biatch!

Yarg... Let me be clarifying a little bit: This field be renamed last
January for greater consistency within the system (elements that return
the same data should be named similarly, no?). Whenever our crew be
making changes as such the old field is "aliased" so previously written
queries wont be crashing upon deadman's reef.
In our release this weekend a folder was moved and the aliases were lost
in the transition. This be not intended and will be remedied.
The fix be as Captn R say but you really shouldn't be waiting for the
alias to be brought in. The query should be rewritten using the most
current name of the column. Because the name change went in last
January we didn't have release notes so no one knew it changed. In the
future when release notes come out stating a renaming of a column
(should be VERY rare.. like the flesh-eating red whale) ye should edit
yer queries to use the new name...
--admiral m


it's not christian rock.. they are just chirstians

jesus.. (ha) this got me frustrated today... this is just my placeholder so i remember to bitch about it later..


m in hell

Arg.  I hope you find this entertaining.  Im quite frustrated at work as we are trying to hire someone to replace an employee that quit.  Someone we desperately need.  Now I’ve brought forth a bunch of candidates but between politics and company policy, right now we only have one candidate available for the position someone I have fought against, tooth and nail since I heard she applied.  You see I worked with her a few years ago and then she came to a training I was putting on, reaffirming her place in my mind as a waste of oxygen so here is the conversation (with names adjusted of course) immediately occurring when I returned to my desk after a rather violent argument between me and my superior about the idiocy of hiring someone just to fill a space  you see she believes that if we don’t fill this replacement space in the next week well lose it  I believe that if we would be better off not filling it and arguing to get the req reopened.

God I need to drink.

cannuck [1:54 PM]:

If we end up with only the 1 candidate and we hire her, I know you don't like her, but you have to try to work with her

m [1:54 PM]:

You don't have to worry about me trying to work with her... just my job satisfaction


knick knock kname

so i have a problem..
well i'm sure if you've read any of this you have rather non-surprised look on your pretty little face.. but here is the one i happen to be speaking of at them moment.
i knickname people
if you know anyone i know, chances are i had a hand in naming htem the name you know them by.
miso, raynbo, kimmieballs.. yeah.. those were mine.
so this was always knida a thing just hanging below the surface..
until i started working with so many poeple that i only partially know yet talk about incessantly.
i work in a rather large office (3k people) for a rather large company and have a pretty large work group (viente)
so i realized this after trying to have a conversation with a coworker and was quite lost on who she was talking about.. so for your sanity and mine, here are the people i work with:
patches - a girl that is rather clumsy and had at one point while drunk attempted to give her self a lobotomy via rum-stir-stick.. she also happens to be called "twitches" (not my name) because apparently i drive her isnane enough that she has developed a twitch in her left eye.
juicy - a wonderful guy that loves hippy music and drinking nearly as much as i do. no one can really say where this name came from other than one day i started calling him that after a conversation about those damn shorts college age girls wear.
cake - a guy that is a little odd.. well odd enough that we talked about him constantly via im and since the msmessenger icon of a birthday cake had no prior meaning it was assocaited with him.
loaf - sits next to cake and stares at the wall for hours on end.. no one is sure what he does
lolo - my former coworker who left due to pregnacy (although rumor is she hated being called lolo so much that i drove her from the company
leaf/ms. daisy: a bubbly caribean girl that lived in cananda for a bit (hence leaf... maple leaf... never mind) and gets rides from juicy daily to work (hence ms. daisy)
balls: my minion (and favorite name).. she is from peru and at a wondeful lunch once spent 25 minutes describing how much she loved bull testicles as a child.. i wanted to name her pelotas del toro but someone said that may be interperted as racist... ah well..
nuts: a new minion, not mine that seems to be a useless as balls.. thus nuts..
poppin: an intern we had that never talked but someone once found a utube of him breakdancing under the name poppin fresh
twinks: a old intern that was a ballet dancer and didnt talk all that much.. first twinkle toes.. then shortened to be named after that famous fairy
rather than explain the rest... we also have cheese, van, sheepfucker and cannuck (she ain't canadian).. so yeah.. thats my witty non-running based post of the night..

so i found an old email detailing my bitching about the employee known as balls and thought you may find it as funny as i did:

me: "i'm so sick of working with balls... she is unbelievably dense... i know this 20 minute meeting with balls is going to turn into an excruciating 3 hour endeavour... fing balls... i can't even deal with her today..."


a jog in the great white north

1.28 miles (2.06km)
11:40 mins
9:03 mins/mile
General feeling: gaspy yuck
Point of pain: upper respiratory failure
Sweat Volume: ~2.0 liters
I am super proud of myself.. i am at my parents house for the holiday (and therefore rather hungover)  and i somehow convinced myself to run.  Jersey doens't seem to have hills.  Upstate NY (real upstate ny, not that orange county, rockland county bullshit) has fucking hills.
so hopefully ernesto will leave me alone after i regain the will to live so i can go fishing this afternoon...
did you know ale has never gone fishing before?  i hope she catches a record-sized northern pike.
