the center of superfun happy times
snickers commercial tab
hey kids..
so the wonderful snickers commercial came one where the guy sings of the merits of snickers and i relized how much i loved it.
so after a couple watches i think i figured it out... then surfed the web (jon stewart has a great routine involving "surfing the net".. download it somewhere) to see how close i was.. well i found the link above and confirmed i was close...
the only odd chord is this one (which i've seen a hundred times but cannot rememeber the name of) is
e 3
b 0
g 0
d 0
a 2
e 0
so the chords are:
Happy peanuts soar
Over chocolate covered mountaintops
And waterfalls of caramel
Prancing nougat in the meadow
Sings a song of satisfaction
To the world
Rock it out people!
check out her eyelashes
let me preface this, i like tits, i like ass, i like abs.
but i am none of those coupled with "-man"..
once in a drunken conversation with a girl that was quite attractive (at least at the six drink level) and quite talkative.
shite.. what else could you want?
anyway... she asked and asked and asked
"what are you, a tit-man? ass-man (at this point i laughed at the term assman)... etc"
anyway after a few deft maneuvers to keep from cornering myself into the cliche of the mammary obsessed male i came out and admitted..
"im a face man"
(at this point she laughed, probably at my unintentional a-team reference)
we argued for a bit whether that was true and i couldn't seem to get across that a butterface is not an option but a floating head was...
anyway.. so i saw an article on Reuters today talking about the
eyelash enhancements..
yeah.. just what you think..
"aw... i keep going to the bar and no one hits on me.. it can't be my saggy ass or lopsided chest.. it must be...
my eyelashes"
think for a bit how wondeful men's conversation truly would be if this was an issue...
"yeah man.. her body is kicking but fuck that.. those eyelashes just are repulsive"
"dude.. check out that chick.. yeah. that one.. at teh end of the bar.. yeah about 40 ft away..
look at her eyelashes!"
"uhh... i wanna tap those eyelashs"
ok.. well i'm not to witty (say nothing miso) right now.. i am pretty sure i'm losing my mind and any abilities that are directly linked ot it.
and we're "forwards?"
From a <a
c=rss">Reuters Article</a> I saw this morning about painting an entire
town pink to improve its image.
<i>The ancient town of Aurangabad in Bihar -- one of India's most
<b>backward</b> and poorest states -- is a hotbed of crime ranging from
killing, extortion, kidnapping and inter-caste wars.</i>
WTF? Aren't we past the point as a intelligent and culturally
knowledgeable society that the term "backward" shouldn't be used to
describe anyone? God, it sounds like some redneck describing those
"A-rabs" or calling some group "savages"... and this is on an
international news feed.
F that.
I am all for the end of political correctness (ask my Asian friends) but
this is just fed up. I'm going to go back to being angry with my job
people without flavor
I've noticed this more and more recently and it's not something that I'm
sure I should be upset with..
But I am...
Hey, I never professed to be well balanced..
So one of the first things I do when I meet someone is to ask what they
listen to..
"oh, everything"
F you.
You do not like everything, you lying piece of shiznit. You are telling
me that you like neutral milk hotel (listening to "Naomi" right now) and
you like teeny-bop-pop (I was learning "mmmm bob" on guitar the other
night)... okay.. well I guess it is viable that you like both but do you
really think my question was to weed out the fact that you will listen
to anything? No, I wanted to know what type of music you prefer and
here is the part that pisses me off..
People don't seem to have a preference anymore!
F you digital media! Have you made music so accessible that the gang
bangers downstairs are listening to the same shiznit as the ladies going
to church on Wednesday night?
You must like something more than something else?
God I hate your face...
alien probes
well not exactly.
So Monday I woke up with a chipped tooth and no idea how I got it.
Normally, this wouldn't be a huge deal (aside from the fact I'd never
chipped an adult tooth) as there is a good chance that while enjoying a
tall bourbon I ran into something (like a fist after an off-color
comment) or simply fell headfirst into something slightly harder than my
tooth enamel. But I wasn't drinking!
So what else could have done it?
I thought maybe food but my meals from the day before consisted of eggs
and bacon and bacon based pizza... hardly tooth chipping material.
hippyL suggested that either it was a DNA sample taken by aliens or a
failed attempt to place a gov't tracking device covertly in my temple
(that's what I call my body..)
so I still have this oddly shaped incisor and no clue of what happened
and I think it is slowly driving me insane.
my turtles are pussies
he was quite a badass at a very young age.. he was about the size of a quarter and had that wonderful prehistoric look that all snapping turtles do.. so he lived with me in various tupperware containers of increasing size, eating what ever organic or inorganic substance that was placed in his little world. i had him for two or three years including a couple of escape attempts where he chose to roam the apartment at the time for a couple weeks. (often to be found, mouth agape in the middle fo the kitchen, demanding food)
anyway, aside aside, francis was a badass and was released into the wild after biting raynbo's girlfriend at a shell diameter of seven inches.
well possibly mentioned earlier i got the most cliche turtles ever at the end of sirenfest...
get this:
Coney Island, cheap plastic box with a little palm tree. Total price? $12.
yeah.. well these motherfuckers are pussies.
well this is longer than i thought it would be at this point and the eagles are doing well so i'll finish this later.