the center of superfun happy times


snickers commercial tab
hey kids..
so the wonderful snickers commercial came one where the guy sings of the merits of snickers and i relized how much i loved it.
so after a couple watches i think i figured it out... then surfed the web (jon stewart has a great routine involving "surfing the net".. download it somewhere) to see how close i was.. well i found the link above and confirmed i was close...
the only odd chord is this one (which i've seen a hundred times but cannot rememeber the name of) is
e 3
b 0
g 0
d 0
a 2
e 0
so the chords are:
Happy peanuts soar
Over chocolate covered mountaintops
And waterfalls of caramel
Prancing nougat in the meadow
Sings a song of satisfaction
To the world

Rock it out people!

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