the center of superfun happy times


jim beam's view on modern football

so i'll apologize in advance.
i'm a fucking sheet away from being in the wind..
i've finished (what i woudl estimate as) two thirds a bottle of JB and have no illusions about my lucidity.
but i'm watching tonights modnay night game (i spent the time it was on watching season two of the weeds which is fucking unbelieveable and i hightly suggest you download/buy it now. really fucking good) and i am realizing who owtdated football is...
spot of the ball, officiating... there is no excuse for it to be in this state.
i know ive discussed this with the psuedo yuppie and lytri before but how can they still argue about where the spot of the ballshould be? put a fucking rfid chip in the fucker and see where it hit the ground or combined with replay figure out where the ball was (to the milifuckingmeter) at teh tiem teh player was down...
and fuck thsi ON THE FIELD OFFICATING... put the refs and umpire up in a fucking booth and have them reviewing every fucking play within seconds of the completion... why depend on realtime human error? god it pisses me off...
there are more but jim is taking my concentration so CHEERS ALL...
i have a bit of woodford reserve calling my name

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