the center of superfun happy times


mustache March Ends, Vegan April Begins

As a joke, i began inviting participants into mustache march. god knows what happened but the next thing i knew i had made it through the mockery and facial hideousness that come with a month of mustaches.

Unfortunately, march ends on april 1st. April Fools Day.

You know what is funny, vegans. That'll be my joke this year.

Damn, you don't think i can do it!? i just made it though mustache march, i can do anything. fuck. no animal products? yeah. i can do it.

stupid, stupid m.

So here are the rules: i have no illusions that i will be able to fully do this.. so i'll do my best. there are many levels of vegetarianism, peaking somewhere near veganism.. (note, i'm skipping the wearing no animal products phase as i don't want to buy new clothes. also, i'm cooking my food. fking raw food vegans)
  • I'll start off as a vegan and do my best to keep with it.
  • As I fail, i'll move up the foodchain and become slightly less of a vegetarian and work to stay at that level.
    • Vegan (Not eat any animal products or animal derivatives: Meat, Fish,
    • Vegan who wants meat (a vegan diet with fake meats and cheese)
    • Dairy, Eggs, Gelatin)
    • Lacto vegetarian (allow milk products)
    • Lacto-ovo vegetarian (allow milk and egg)
    • Pescetarian (allow fish)
    • Pollotarian (allow chicken)
    • Jewarian (allow beef, but no pork of shellfish)
    • No-Red Meatarian (everything but beef)
    • Failurian (eat as i do now)
  • i'll not be an asshole vegan. (in restaurants, i will not complain about the lack of vegan foods and will not ask for anything beyond the removal of cheese or egg (and of course i'll not order the meat based items))
  • Aside from while at home where i can easily look at ingredient lists, i'm going to use basic logic to decide whether a food is vegan compliant.. i won't ask the poor server to lookup the animal content of a food
  • Booze is not an animal product
  • I'll document my weight, body fat percentage and general feeling of health each day as well as my best recollection of what i ate.
I think that is everything.. let me know if you think i forgot anything or if you want to make generally disparaging remarks.

Starting stats: 182.8 lbs, 18% body fat, I generally feel crappy and tired
Meals: Tofu Pad Thai and Pasta with Tomato Sauce


kimmie said...

oh man... and mau is more supportive for this than the stache?

lytri said...
