the center of superfun happy times


The Vegan Experiment Week 3

All weights taken at approx 7pm (before dinner) unless otherwise noted

Day 13
Lunch: salsa and tortilla chips Dinner: tofu nd noodles in yellow curry
179.4 lbs 17% body fat
General Feeling: still a bit hung over

Day 14
Lunch: salt and pepper chips, Pre-dinner: salt and pepper chips and blue tortilla chips Dinner: general tsao tofu, vegetable spring roll, chive pancake
179.2 lbs 17% body fat
General Feeling: sick and tired of tofu

Day 15
Lunch: Falafels and Hummus Dinner: tortilla chips and salsa
180.2 lbs 17% body fat
General Feeling: bored with food and really not any healthier

Day 16
Lunch: Jalepeno Chips and Salt and Vinegar Chips Dinner: Garlic Fries, Post-Dinner: Some sort of leftover tofu and asparagus chinese dish
179.4 lbs 17% body fat
General Feeling: drunk and bored

Day 17
Lunch: Rosemary and Olive Oil Chips Dinner: Fried Potatoes and Tofu with Red Hot
177.6 lbs 17% body fat
General Feeling: drunk and tired and bored

Day 18
Lunch: Rosemary and Olive Oil Dinner: Couscous and tofu in BBQ sauce and salt potatoes
176.4 lbs 16% body fat
General feeling: So done with this (being vegan isn't amusing any more.. just boring and a pain in the ass)

Day 19
Lunch: Pistachios and chips and other snacks Dinner: gifilte fish, matzo, kugel and brisket (it was passover at my parents)
179.0 lbs 16% body fat
General feeling: very full of course but i was surprised my body didnt react violently to the reintroduction to meat (even if it was a relatively small amount)

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