the center of superfun happy times


tortoise style

1.31 miles (2.10km)
12:14 mins
9:19 mins/mile
General feeling: pink elephants everywhere
Point of pain: brain... no... air
Sweat Volume: ~2.5 liters and still going

I wanted to just do a short run today (12 mins) and see if i could up the speed a bit.
well as you see i didn't. i blame that on rather poor ipod shuffling... Here is what i remember of what i had to listen to (and tell me if it would inspire you to run fast)
The Weakerthans (my Favorite Chords)
Railroad Jerk (sweet Librarian)
another Railroad Jerk song
a bit of Breadwinner (not that i don't love his music but you try running to a song called "Twang" anyway.. check out his blog.. its fucking hilarious, hopefully the booger will get off his ass and post more... The Histrionics of the Yes Man
Iron and Wine
and i think some Jack Johnson (i was starting to lose consciousness at this point)

anyway.. i blame it on my ipod and the fact i decided to run wearing glasses tongiht.. if you dont look fast you dont run fast.. you know?

tastes like blue...: More Paint...

I want miso to paint more for me.
tastes like blue...: More Paint...


like an antelope: Run 3

1.76 miles (2.80km)
17:11 mins
9:44 mins/mile
General feeling: emphysemic death
Point of pain: full cardiovascular shutdown.
Sweat Volume: ~5.5 liters

Ugh.. I've been home for a couple hours now and i am still sweating.. maybe because i haven't had the energy to get up and turn on the air conditioning.
shite, i barely have energy to type but i was so proud that i actually ran for two weeks, i felt i had to brag a bit
or at least tell those who may have seen me out that yes, i did make it home alive.
i love my tattoo.


just in case i go missing

i was always scared s a child because i didn't feel like i had any identifying marks.
this would be an issue if i was abducted my some weirdo with rather low standards.
i could just see the milk carton now:
"average white kid lost. no identifying marks, ah well, who cares, there are plenty of average white kids"
ha, well abduct me now mother fucker!
kill me all you want... they'll be able to identify me now
by my tattoo
in the words of an ex-girlfriend's father:
i've "permanently disfigured my body"
and i love it.
(okay, just the disfigured part is from him)


lung function stops

1.61 miles (2.58km)
15:50 mins
9:48 mins/mile
General feeling: Dizzy and coughing black shit
Point of pain: Lungs, brochial tubes
Sweat Volume: ~2.5 liters

oh god.
fuck inverting life.
this shit hurts
so i did my second run in three days, surprising myself in not giving up as quickly as most things that i start.
so i am a bit disappointed because i ran a bit slower than my initial run but i blame that on the lack of smoking today and my undialated broncials..
now im going to drink the remainder of bourbon in the house and search for a hidden cigarette.


bored and dying

all I've been looking for for the last few months was some time by myself
and here i have it.
and i'm bored and unproductive
not even playing guitar.
i think that's why i'm blogging again.
sad or inspiring, eh?
i think i'll drink a bottle of bourbon.. there is a chance that may make the coming posts more interesting.

yet boobs are off limits?

i'm watching house now as there is little else on and i cannot bear to be active as i think it destroys the soul and
they just showed a testicle explode on tv
well they didnt show the testicle but they showed
the doctors face when it exploded all over it.
hey. at least life doesn't seem so bad anymore

like a fluffy punching bag

it was pointed out to me this weekend that there is something about me...
(usually the beginnign of a compliment)
that makes people want to hit me.
that's ludicris you may say
you may not know me.
the best reason i've heard for such a quality is the unqualified statement:
"well, you are an instigator"
"your face just needs to be punched"

to me this may be a bit more understandable if it was strictly a testosterone fueled repeated instance.
but it's not
miso just left me and jersey and i have
bite marks
and a slight limp that can only be explained by an ill timed comment involving her capital knockers.
i guess i could keep my mouth shut more often
or filter some of what comes out my mouth
but then i wouldnt be me
i'd be this other person
this other healthier, unbruised
fuck that.

go ahead
punch me


First Run Stats

1.40 miles (2.25 km)
12.02 minutes
8:35 mins/mile
General feeling: death
Point of pain: Lungs
Sweat Volume: ~ 1.5 liters

talk about inverting life

jesus.. pant.. sweat...
yeah.. i'm inverting life a bit again..
meet m, a perpetually scrawny, dietary degenerate smoker.
26 having spent the last 8 years getting his only real exercise walking from bar to bar in philadelphia.
he used to be a runner/pseudo athlete: cross country, soccer, track and skiing... but then he met alcohol and work... damn it seems like a lot of effort to go outside when you have a bottle of bourbon and a comfy chair that welcomes you with open arms after 12 hour days. well then the days became 10 hour days and then sometimes even nine hour days.
guess who never resumed exercising.
and drank more
and smoked more.
well it never bothered me being skinny and out of shape as long as i was skinny and still possessed what has been termed "freakish upper body strength" and Adonis like "jew legs"...
well then i moved to jersey.
after being 175 for the parts of my adult life that i have not blacked out i suddenly weighed 190. i know, femme.
but i noticed a gut and looked at my 30 something coworkers that were prolly always that skinny guy and now are still skinny guys with peaceable like protrusions between their man tits and drooping belt.
not me
so i bought the little wiped running dangle (nothing like technology and new toys to inspire me right?)
yeah, that will make me exercise (i think i bought it mid July)
well i got it home, all amped to run and um.
well i don't own running shoes. Just three pairs of Vans in various states of disrepair, paratrooper boots (don't think it didn't cross my mind) and some work shoes... fuck
bought shoes.
Got shoes and was all amped to run.
got avian flu (or if you believe the commie doctor that saw me "strep throat").
well now i'm healthy (yes miso, HEALTHY, as in NON-CONTAGIOUS) and i decided to run.
i used to run 10-15k a few times a week and had a consistent sub 7 minute mile (hey, i was always a sprinter.. anythign over 400m was not meant to be run competitively)
yeah.. lets just say i am not running sub sevens.
i'll start noting my progress here just for you guys that read it to laugh at and mock while happily tapping the ash off your oh so wonderful cigarettes...
mmm.. i think i'll start a nice camel filter.

i don't think they are obese. . .

So miso came down this previous weekend to visit and party and play.

It was quite wonderful and I had to wonder how I let her stay so far for so long.

And it was her birthday

I gave her a once in a lifetime experience unless you live on the high seas

She got to drink a tequila sunrise while shaking the hand of a honest to god midget, while complimenting a Pirates Koi tattoo and simultaneously staring at one of natures most glorious handlebar mustaches


Anyway, not feeling particularly funny (as this weekend had a rather dangerously high alcohol/sleep ratio) I thought I’d send a note out about a rather interesting group of people ( I hope to be cavorting with in the near future as they seem to have just the right amount of brain damage (said in a loving way) and have all their priorities ranked appropriately (from what I can understand of aforementioned blog). 

Here is the premise:

1)      I like food!

2)      You like food!

3)      Sex is good!

4)      Alcohol is good!

5)      Hangovers blow!

6)      Wanna Talk?

Sounds good to me.  Its kinda like someone took my id and splattered it all over a computer screen and mixed just a tiny bit of superego in there.

Alas.. checkout the haiku post ( as it is my first attempt and breaking into this tight knit society of deadly assassins bent on world domination

Also, I’ll be humorous later.. maybe tonight and exaggerate some funny stuff about misos visit this weekend.




days since my last post here.
miso just left
me inspired
so here i am
posting away
to come