the center of superfun happy times


tortoise style

1.31 miles (2.10km)
12:14 mins
9:19 mins/mile
General feeling: pink elephants everywhere
Point of pain: brain... no... air
Sweat Volume: ~2.5 liters and still going

I wanted to just do a short run today (12 mins) and see if i could up the speed a bit.
well as you see i didn't. i blame that on rather poor ipod shuffling... Here is what i remember of what i had to listen to (and tell me if it would inspire you to run fast)
The Weakerthans (my Favorite Chords)
Railroad Jerk (sweet Librarian)
another Railroad Jerk song
a bit of Breadwinner (not that i don't love his music but you try running to a song called "Twang" anyway.. check out his blog.. its fucking hilarious, hopefully the booger will get off his ass and post more... The Histrionics of the Yes Man
Iron and Wine
and i think some Jack Johnson (i was starting to lose consciousness at this point)

anyway.. i blame it on my ipod and the fact i decided to run wearing glasses tongiht.. if you dont look fast you dont run fast.. you know?

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