the center of superfun happy times


Day 5 (after the binge)

a little vacation? if by vacation you mean binge drinking and smoking, yes. a weekend in pittsburgh was enough to convince me my body wasn't fit to do what you guys call "exercise"
well. a mutton dinner and a few bloody marys (hoying recipe of course) and i'm back to building that body i should have been born with (ha!).
situps: 80
pushups: 40
pullups: 4
smokes: 3
weight: 190


just another day at the downs

M (mph) [4:46 PM]:
{in distance}<beep> <beep>
M (mph) [4:46 PM]:
m: <turns head questioningly.. hair whips back and forth in the
M (mph) [4:47 PM]:
{he can just barely make out a yellow dot on the horizon.. not sure what
it is, he begins walking in the other direction... at a steadily
quickening pace}
M (mph) [4:47 PM]:
{the ground begins to slightly shake.. a rumbling vibrates through the
M (mph) [4:48 PM]:
matt: "ugh" {a paranoid moan escapes his lips as he feels his own doom
on the horizon}
M (mph) [4:49 PM]:
{suddenly, it's upon him.. he attempts to scream in terror but suddenly
feels strong, capable and friendly hands grabbing him}
M (mph) [4:49 PM]:
(that's right) he thinks (my partners would never let me get hit by a
mode of ground transportation)
M (mph) [4:50 PM]:
{suddenly the momentum changes and he looks back in sudden disbelief at
their intent eyes}
M (mph) [4:50 PM]:
(yes) he realizes, (my coworkers won't hesitate to throw me under the
M (mph) [4:51 PM]:
{the bus drives on, wheels slowly losing their bloody sheen... uncaring,
for it was just another innocent, thrown under the bus by



yeah.. i came BACK from the bar and worked out...
situps: 80
pushups: 42
pullups: 5
smokes: 6
weight: 189
oh yeah... and lost A MOTHERFUCKIN POUND!!
i had a salad for lunch (and some oreos) and had calamari (thai) and more salad for dinner.
time to go to pittsburgh and consume 5000cal/day (in alcohol alone).


day 3 (can you believe it??)

situps: 80
pushups: 45
pullups: 5
smokes: 3
weight: 190
and get this: for lunch i had a salad!
ruined it all though when i met my parents out for dinner... had a panini with palm hearts, tomato, brie and some type of smoked italian beef...
we'll i'm sore as hell (hey, it's been three days!) so i'm going to sit here and watch colbert while i wonder in amazment about tonights broken record (3 days in a row of non-cardio exercise!)


day 2

situps: 80
pushups: 40
pullups: 5
smokes: 3
weight: 190
and food wise:
no snacks (aside from three st. patrick's chocolate donut holes (make your chocolate salty balls jokes... now) double turkey burger for lunch and 1/2 box of kraft mac and cheese for dinner (With Water!) and i plan on drinking less than a bottle of wine.
also, did i mention i exercise to the Katamari Damacy Soundtrack? yeah.. situps to Fugue #7777


day 1

situps: 80
pushups: 40
pullups: 4
smokes: 4
weight: 190

DST resolutions

if i haven't ranted about this to you before i don't believe in new years resolutions.
why the hell would an arbitrary day warrant making life changing changes.
January first my ass.
Now Daylight Saving Day.. it doesn't get less arbitrary than that.
especially when it is non-arbitrarily changed by our loving government.
life changing day is upon us.
Here are the goals (tell me if you think i'm biting off more than i can chew... (remember though, i have a large, sensuous mouth):
1) Begin exercising again.. not necessarily running until it gets nice out and i don't have the "it's too cold to run" excuse available... if i can do 1/2 hour a day i'll be rather grinny
2) Smoke Less.. no.. i'm not quitting, but i'll get it down to... say four MAX a day aside weekends with at least one day no-smoking
3) Eat Better.. what's the point of exercising if you eat as bad as i do? i'm not going to make any specifics on this one so there is more chance i do it.. but let's try and avoid days like today where i had salsa combos and oreos for lunch and basically a deep fried potato for dinner
4) Write Something Four Days a Week. Shit. There are five blogs i contribute to.. i should have something to say on at least one of them a day.
5) Play one of the guitars or piano every weekday. how can i justify having four guitars and a bass in here if i don't play 'em. and that piano? when is the last time i've touched that... plus i have furtherance sitting there begging me to work on it.. god, i'm a lazy piece of shit.

okay. now it's said... let's see if i do it.