the center of superfun happy times


perpetual soul twin?

so a friend of mine is coming to visit. flying down from boston in fact, saw her about 6 months ago and before that 5 years. over the last year we make it a pact not to talk more than once every three months.. its a very odd relationship because there has never been anyone i felt close to in this way.
anyway.. this is not entertaining in any way other than we talked for 2 hrs tonight for no reason while in real life i cannot seem to hold more than a 4 line interchange with what appears to be a perfectly balanced interesting individual that i do not already know everything about... i need some sort of therapy..

btw i think i found my undiagnosed malady.. i used to think it was ADD or dyslexia (not that i am necessarily ruling out either) but now i believe its aspergers syndrome ... read up, masses
Asperger description..
also rather unrelatedly.. im listening to Hum right now.. my first musical love.. and prolly the band i loved the longest exclusivly... and infact im listening to my favorite song, "Suicide Machine" (really not as downery as it may sound by the title) and there is a verse in it: and we break off, gently its the motion, spinning outward into space, and my hands always firmly gently at the wheel while you sweetly hold my face.
i need you to give it meaning, i need you to share the view

i love hum still

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