the center of superfun happy times


pinking droblem

it's weekend like this that make me question the projected lifespan of my liver.
Pastey, finding himself without companionship in his domicile thought visiting phili could be more enjoyable than sitting alone in a cave like apartment for the entire weekend.. (a short note on word choice... i felt like cavern would have been a better sounding word but i believe that gives the impression of an expansive place... which it is not).. anyway, so he decides to make the journey to phili and projects his arrival at 9... so i take the offer of my roommate to go celebrate the end of a friends job at a Mexican place...
Waitress: what can i get you.. margarita?
Waitress: beer maybe?
m: dos equis?
Waitress: Si, {indistinct word} or {indistinct word}
(authors note: i have no idea what she said, so true to form i smiled like an idiot and nodded)
Waitress: adios
moments later returns with a beer of comparable size to my left leg... mmm.. beer

uno dos equis
dos dos equis
tres dos equis

finish dinner, go to another bar.
mmm beer
(heretofore, lager= normal human sized beer)
uno lager
dos lager
tres lager
quatro lager
at this point i realized pastey should be arriving shortly and due to my recent hiatus from beer im seeing the signs of retardedness appearing in my speech and movements...
walk up to where he should be arriving.
not there
coincidently there is a bar like 1/2 block away.

uno red ale
uno IPA
dos red ale

pastey arrives
back to bar

uno miller lite
uno soco shot

i know.. lets go back to our place and drink cheap liquor.

arrive at casa de amor

uno bourbon
uno sansom brown ale
dos bourbon
tres bourbon

basically this continued for a while, i was fucked, passed out at some point.. woke up started drinking beer within 1/2 hr of ocular activation, then bourbon beer bourbon then to the bars around midnight, a couple guinesses, then back home bourbon sleep.. now sunday afternoon back to bourbon..

this wasn't nearly as interesting as it seemed in my mind..
fuck that
enjoy your day

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